
User Guide for DUKE

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
  4. Usage guide
    • Help command
    • List task
    • Create task
    • Delete task
    • Mark task as done
    • Find task
    • Exit application

1.0 Introduction

Duke is a Task manager CLI app that gives you a list of tasks to do. This app is optimised for those who prefer to work with a command line interface (CLI).

2.0 Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have Java 11.0 installed in your computer
  2. Download the latest Jar release @
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the jar file and use java -jar {filename} to run the application

3.0 Features


Saves your list to your hard disk.

Your list is saved to a txt file each time you use the app to update your list.

Support for different tasks:

Each task has different attribute based on their types:

  1. Todo task: Has description name. No date or time present.
  2. Deadline task: Has description name, date and time. (in the format of dd/mm/yyyy HHmm e.g. 03/11/2019 1400)
  3. Event task: Has description name, date and time. (in the format of dd/mm/yyyy HHmm e.g. 15/04/2019 1700)

4.0 Usage

Commands are all case-insensitive e.g. help and Help works.

4.1 Help command - Help

Command to list all the available commands.

Example of usage:

e.g. help

4.2 List Task - list

Describe list all your current task on the list.

Example of usage:

e.g. list

4.3 Create Task - Todo, Deadline and Event

Create task to add into your list in the app.

This command is divided to create three different type of tasks: Todo, Deadline and Event




4.4 Delete task - delete

Delete a task in the list.

Format on command line: delete [index]

e.g. delete 1

outcome: Task on the index “1” of the list is deleted.

4.5 Mark task as done - done

Mark task as Done in list [✘] -> [✓]

e.g. done 1


Nice! I’ve marked this task as done: [T][✓] homework

4.6 Find task - find

Find task in list by description

Format on command line: find [keyword]

e.g. find homework


Here are the matching tasks in your list:

  1. [T][✓] homework

4,7 Exit Application - bye

Exits the application

e.g. bye